4 Ways to Boost Your Personal LinkedIn Profile


LinkedIn is the new watering-hole for corporations looking to expand their team; but much like any social media, increasing your following is not something that happens without making a concerted effort for it to. So, we compiled a few pointers for how to crank those profile views right up.

1. Update your photograph so that it is always a ‘current’ photograph Despite everybody fighting against physical appearance constituting to employment decisions, it is still very much a reality. Just like a dating app, you get a little bit suspicious if the age of the applicant and the photograph do not seem to match.

However, always remember that this photograph is not anything like any other social media or dating app. It is the same as an ID photograph – head and shoulders, but make sure you look friendly and employable, not like it is your mugshot. Also, make sure that this photograph is high quality.

2. Your cover image is your billboard
Your profile picture is stock-standard, but luckily LinkedIn did provide a space for a little creativity and personalisation. Taglines, web-addresses, an artwork you created, work you are proud of that is visually appealing – anything that says a lot about you at a glance. If your dream job’s CEO was standing in front of a billboard, what would you put on there for her to choose you, or at least remember you when she drives away?

3. Contact details, so many contact details.

Firstly, personalise your LinkedIn URL. You are a human being, not a number, you need to prove this to everybody.

Secondly, your own personal website URL – it is the digital opportunity to hand in your portfolio, to anybody.

 Personal email address, not your current work one, not your university one – but it must be a professional and to-the-point address; wowcaseyhillston007@gmail.com is not the best first impression.

Address – this does not need to be street number specific on a public profile, but your suburb, city and postal code are necessary.

4. Publish, share, comment, like.
Just like any other social media platform, the more you engage the more exposure you receive. What content you choose to engage with reflects your expertise, opinions about important and sometimes controversial topics, your argument skills, and thought-leadership credentials.

Share work that you have created, written or been a part of – it is how you build your LinkedIn ‘portfolio’. Lastly, write posts specifically for LinkedIn, based on comments you have seen in posts you have engaged with, or trending topics you have a valid and unbiased opinion in. Keep up with the trends in conversation, people will find you that way.

This may all seem very time consuming – and it is; but what you put in really is what you get out. Think of your LinkedIn profile as your professional portrait painting. What features do you want to emphasise? What look and feel do you want to go for? Who do you want your viewer to be?

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