Conquering the Annual Performance Review

Image 1 – Conquering the Annual Performance Review

What is an Annual Performance Review?

A performance review is a formal assessment in which a manager/ employee evaluates an employee’s work performance, identifies strengths and weaknesses, offers feedback, and sets goals for future performance.

This is usually placed at the bottom of the list for managers as it is often viewed as one of the more challenging tasks. 

So how do you conquer the Annual Performance Review?

  1. DO NOT leave it for the last minute.

A performance review should be a more thoughtful process and require some strategic planning, therefore do not leave it for the last minute. Set a date where you focus strictly on annual reviews for your employees, which leaves you at an advantage as you can gather all the necessary information, which leaves you with less pressure.

  1. Documenting throughout the year.

Create an organized system for yourself where you have gathered updated information about the employee. Information such as their past reviews, work samples and feedback. This will help you not dread having to take performance reviews as you already have most of the required information.

  1. Involve employees in the process.

Before the performance review, managers should communicate clearly with employees about what is expected of them in terms of performance, goals, and objectives. This will help ensure that both parties are on the same page and that there are no surprises during the review as you would have given the employee a chance for self-evaluation.

  1. Personalize the performance review.

Using the personalized performance review approach can be beneficial for both employees and the manager as by focusing on individual strengths and providing regular feedback, managers can help employees feel valued and supported. This increases the employee’s motivation and productivity which works in the manager’s favor in the long run.

  1. Prepare notes and agenda.

Preparing notes prior to the performance review can guide you through the items you need to discuss and assist you with being efficient and straight to the point whilst still covering all topics and objectives. It saves time for all participants.

  1. Have a conclusion.

Ensure that you have prepared a conclusion for the performance review. This ensures that the manager and the employee understand the steps.

Conclusions can include the answers to the following questions:

  • What exactly does the employee need to do to improve?
  • How will those steps be measured?
  • As a manager, what will you do to help the employee achieve success?

It’s important to make a performance evaluation a tool that employees can use to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Being prepared for the annual performance review on time allows you to get a chance to review employees in a fair and professional manner.

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