Everyone Deserves a Great Leader

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Good leadership in the workplace is crucial for the long-term success of your business and superb employee experience. When workers are unhappy with their jobs or the leadership at their workplace, they tend to seek new opportunities leaving the company at high risk of facing difficulty finding and keeping new workers.

According to Rachael Jones – lack of effective leadership development can lead to losses in productivity, unmet goals, low morale, and high turnover. Effective leadership takes time to develop and varies based on the individual’s role within the company.

A leadership development program is about developing leadership competencies. That means each program helps an individual develop skills such as leadership acumen and leadership skills.

How can you use the Leadership Circle Profile for leadership development?

  1. Understanding your profile.

Understanding the circle is the key to integrating all the information contained in your leadership survey.

The Leadership Circle Profile consists of two main components, Creative Competencies, and Reactive Tendencies. Creative Competencies measure key behaviors and internal assumptions that lead to high fulfilment and high-achievement leadership. The Reactive Tendencies reflect inner beliefs that limit effectiveness, authentic expression, and empowering leadership. The Leadership Circle Profile shows you how you balance these two aspects of your leadership, and how they impact your overall performance and satisfaction.

  1. Identify your strengths and gaps.

The Leadership Circle Profile assists you with identifying your strengths and gaps as a leader, both in terms of your own self-assessment and the feedback from others. The Leadership Circle Profile is used to celebrate your areas of excellence and recognize areas if improvement and development. It also shows you how your strengths and gaps are related to your leadership style and impact.

  1. Create your development plan.

You can use the Leadership Circle Profile to set specific and measurable goals for your leadership growth, based on your profile and feedback. It provides you with ample sources of data and insights to create your development plan.

  1. Seek support and feedback.

The Leadership Growth Circle Profile is a continuous process of learning and improvement, it can be used to seek support and feedback from others who can develop your leadership potential. This could be your manager, mentor, or coach.

  1. Apply your learning to your work.

Besides being used as a tool for personal reflection the Leadership Circle Profile is also a tool for practical application, when used correctly you can enhance your leadership impact and effectiveness. The Leadership Circle Profile is used to align your actions and behaviors with your vision and goals, to foster a culture of creativity and collaboration.

Most people aren’t born with the ability to get things done and inspire others every day, and that’s okay — you don’t have to be born with that ability to succeed. Even though it takes time to be a great leader, you can still learn to be an effective leader.

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