
Whether it’s your first interview in years, your first interview ever or even your 12th job interview this month, job-hunting can be a nerve-wracking experience. What to wear, do and say can make any job-seeker anxious. Avoid some of this anxiety by reading through and applying this list of handy do’s and don’ts to any interview!

DO prepare in advance

Before the interview, be sure to do your homework and read as much information as you can about the company and prepare some questions about the company to ask during your interview.  Interviewers want to hire employees who are interested in the organisation and position, and who are likely to go the extra mile.

DON’T dress inappropriately

Your outfit will often serve as a critical first impression- and we all know how lasting first impressions can be. Dress in business attire even if the office environment is very casual- if you’re unsure about what to wear, rather aim for more formal clothing.

DO plan your travel time

It’s important to confirm the street address of the interview location, and research how to get there and how long it will take you. If relevant, ask the interviewer beforehand about public transport or parking. Being late to an interview is a definite no as tardiness instantly creates a poor impression. Ideally, you should arrive 10-15 minutes early but if you are running late, telephone the employer to let them know.

DON’T speak negatively of previous employers

Honesty is an important quality for job interviews but never speak negatively of your current/ previous employers or co-workers.

DO put your phone on silent

When you arrive at the interview location, remember to switch off or mute your phone. Focus only on the job interview, and never check your phone during the interview.

DON’T forget to follow up after the interview

Send a thank-you note to the recruiter; HR representative or company contact person after your interview. This will showcase your commitment and keep your interview fresh in their mind.

Following these do’s and don’ts should help you achieve success in your next job interview. Remember to relax and showcase your best side to the recruiters. Now, get out there and ace that interview!

Professional Sourcing is a top-tier South African-based recruitment agency operating internationally, IPM accredited, LEVEL 2 BEE RATED and 51% Black Owned.

Our agency specialises in professional placements (senior and specialist talent) and exclusive skills recruitment to a wide range of industries, including JSE’s top 100 companies, SMEs and the Public Sector. -- Patricia Jacobs

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