
The highest paying jobs in South Africa

Some of the highest paying jobs in South Africa come across as no surprise. Jobs that garner the highest paying salary across the country, are found mainly in 10 major sectors throughout South Africa. Research shows that the top – paying jobs in South Africa are in the field of the engineering sector and focused primarily on senior civil and structural engineering earning an average salary of R70,300 a month or just over R843,610 a year.

Aside from engineers, other top-paying positions are commonly found in the Finance and ICT sectors, as well as within the medical field. According to Jobmail.co.za amongst the best paid positions are architects, software engineers, accountants, petroleum engineers, and computer and information systems managers.
Additional high paying jobs include lawyers, specialist doctors, air traffic controllers, and airline pilots. The average salary of an airline pilot is R372,001 per year and a highly qualified and/or experienced pilots can even expect to earn a lot more than that. For doctors, the average general practitioner earns about R476,000 per year and this figure skyrockets as you specialise.

Some of the other job professions throughout South Africa that attain some of the highest paying salaries are Chief investment officer which is a job title for the board level head of investments within an organization. The average annual salary for an individual that works in this position is R1,684 800. A legal service director is yet another role that earns a substantial large salary, whose responsibility is to oversee the functions of an established legal department.

An Information Technology director’s annual average in South Africa is R1, 492, 500. IT directs oversee the technology strategy for an organization and are responsible for the development and implementation of technical policies of the IT department.

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