
The Most Sought-after Developer Skills by SA Software Companies

The demand for software developers in South Africa is on an upward trend and continues to rise, as local recruitment experts report high demand for IT developers in both Gauteng and Western Cape regions.

The most coveted developers use the .NET, Java and JavaScript programming languages, according to developer-specific online recruitment platform OfferZen.

There is also an increase in demand for UX Designers, Python, and PHP developers in Cape Town, while the need for .NET developers in Johannesburg seems to be greater than in Cape Town.

Meanwhile, according to online platform CareerJunction, every fifth vacancy on the platform was allocated to a role in software development since the beginning of the year.

The most sought-after jobs in development on CareerJunctions listed C#, Java and .NET among the required skills, with C# skills regaining popularity in recent months.

The jobs platform has experienced an increase in demand for software developers, particularly regarding senior developer vacancies.

The seniority of developers seems to play a major role when it comes to recruitment. Furthermore, demand for senior roles in the industry is in a higher proportion compared to other careers and industries.

Software companies prefer senior developers compared to junior and intermediate-level developers, as indicated by the number of vacancies across various skill levels.

According to CareerJunction, every third software developer vacancy requested a senior professional at the end of 2017, and the trend is likely to continue in 2018.

Lastly, the increasing demand for software developers has also resulted in lucrative remuneration packages for professionals, with salaries reported among the top 25 highest in the country, and average monthly remuneration reaching the R50.000 ballpark.

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Professional Sourcing is a top-tier South African-based recruitment agency operating internationally, IPM accredited, LEVEL 2 BEE RATED and 51% Black Owned.

Our agency specialises in professional placements (senior and specialist talent) and exclusive skills recruitment to a wide range of industries, including JSE’s top 100 companies, SMEs and the Public Sector. Contact us for more information.

Our agency specialises in professional placements (senior and specialist talent) and exclusive skills recruitment to a wide range of industries, including JSE’s top 100 companies, SMEs and the Public Sector. -- Patricia Jacobs

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